Heroes-WoW Wiki

There are different currencies existing on Heroes-WoW, that can be used for a variety of items. They can be used to get (Transmogrification) Items from vendors, to gain buffs, titles and more. Some of them are used as a currency between players. Only actively used currencies are listed here.

  • Clams
32px-Inv misc shell 03

Trade 2 Silver Coins for 1 Clam at Jubbers - Vote Vendor. You can trade in clams for Minor Mog Badges, Greater Mog Badges and other items at Turk The Murloc. Clams can be dropped by mobs at Leveling Road (though only in certain level ranges) and at the Gold Farming Dungeon, where they can either be looted from the resident mobs there or from the Bags which they also drop. Clams are a popular currency between players.

  • PvP Token
Inv misc rune 07

Everytime you kill an enemy player in a Battleground, you will be rewarded with a PvP Token. These can be traded to the Narb Pawner at Gurubashi Arena, where you can choose between mounts, titles and temporary buffs. PvP Token are sometimes used as a player currency.

  • Battleground Token
Inv jewelry amulet 07

Everytime your team wins a Battleground, everyone of you will be rewarded with three

Battleground Tokens. If you lose, you will get one Token instead. You need 255 Tokens to complete one part of the Season 9 PVP-Gear Quests. They can also be bought at Dabeers- Donation Vendor.

Spell holy championsbond
  • Minor Mog Badge

Trade 10 Clams to Turk the Murloc to obtain 1 Minor Mog Badge. You can exchange them for different Transmogrification Items at the Leveling Road. You can also get them by slaying raid bosses of the Burning Crusade expansion. For example the first boss at Gruul's Lair or the bosses at Tempest Keep.

  • Greater Mog Badge
Spell holy proclaimchampion

Trade 30 Clams to Turk the Murloc to obtain 1 Greater

Mog Badge. You can exchange them for different Transmogrification Items at the Leveling Road.

  • Low-Level Raid Emblem
Spell holy summonchampion

These Emblems are dropped by raid bosses up to Tier 12. They can be exchanged for tier 9.5 gear, trinkets, idols etc. by vendors at the Leveling Road.

  • High-Level Raid Emblem
Inv misc frostemblem 01

These Emblems are dropped by raid bosses up to Tier 16. They can be exchanged for tier 10 gear, trinkets, idols etc. by vendors at the Leveling Road.

  • Vote Emblem
Spell holy championsgrace

Trade 1 Silver Coin for 1 Vote Emblem at Jubbers - Vote Vendor. They are used for two quests at the Quest Zone offered by Zero. You can obtain offhand frills, shields and other special gear on this quest, which is bound to account.
